North America occupies the northern portion of the landmass generally referred to as the New World, the Western Hemisphere, or simply the Americas. Mainland North America is shaped roughly like a triangle, with its base in the north and its apex in the south; associated with the continent is Greenland, the largest island in the world, and such offshore groups as the Arctic Archipelago, the West IndiesHaida Gwaii (formerly the Queen Charlotte Islands), and the Aleutian Islands.

North America is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by the North Atlantic Ocean, on the south by the Caribbean Sea, and on the west by the North Pacific Ocean. To the northeast Greenland is separated from Iceland by the Denmark Strait, and to the northwest Alaska is separated from the Asian mainland by the much narrower Bering Strait. North America’s only land connection is to South America at the narrow Isthmus of Panama


Denali (Mount McKinley) in Alaska, rising 20,310 feet (6,190 metres) above sea level, is the continent’s highest point, and Death Valley in California, at 282 feet (86 metres) below sea level, is its lowest. North America’s coastline of some 37,000 miles (60,000 km)—the second longest of the continents after Asia—is notable for the great number of indentations, particularly in the northern half.


The name America is derived from that of the Italian merchant and navigator Amerigo Vespucci, one of the earliest European explorers to visit the New World. Although at first the term America was applied only to the southern half of the continent, the designation soon was applied to the entire landmass. Those portions that widened out north of the Isthmus of Panama became known as North America, and those that broadened to the south became known as South America. According to some authorities, North America begins not at the Isthmus of Panama but at the narrows of Tehuantepec, with the intervening region called Central America. Under such a definition, part of Mexico must be included in Central America, although that country lies mainly in North America proper. To overcome this anomaly, the whole of Mexico, together with Central and South American countries, also may be grouped under the name Latin America, with the United States and Canada being referred to as Anglo-America. This cultural division is a very real one, yet Mexico and Central America (including the Caribbean) are bound to the rest of North America by strong ties of physical geography. Greenland also is culturally divided from, but physically close to, North America. Some geographers characterize the area roughly from the southern border of the United States to the northern border of Colombia as Middle America, which differs from Central America because it includes Mexico. Some definitions of Middle America also include the West Indies.




When you are planning to travel to North America, the first thing that you need to do is plan your travel by doing a proper research on the places you would like to visit as well as other information about North America such as the climate of the region, facts about the place and other such essential information that will impact your travel experiences. Basic knowledge about the place you are visiting is important and the North America travel guide can give you this information. The guide will contain information as well as recommendations on where to stay or eat as well as how to plan your holiday along with tourist map of North America, thereby serving as an essential tool. Given below is some of the essential information that one must keep in mind:

Weather in North America:

According to North America travel guide book, the best time to visit the continent depends entirely on the region you are planning to visit and the kind of holiday you are looking at. The climate in the continent is quite varied with almost six different climate zone across the land from east to the west. While summers are a great time to experience bear watching and whale watching in the Alaska or Hawaii, the season is just not right for hiking and trekking trips in the canyons. There are some guided tours North America that recommend Spring or Autumn time best for trekking trips.

Nightlife in North America:

If you are considering at what to see in North America, it goes without a mention that viewing the city skyline of the top 10 cities in North America can be in your bucket list. Any North America travel guide will definitely add information about the nightlife scene of the continent and where you can find some exciting experiences. With a number of islands and cities, there are many options for the tourists to enjoy and have a nice time in North America. Miami, Las Vegas and Los Angeles are particularly famous for their iconic nightlife experiences.

Food in North America:

The cuisine of North America is as diverse as the continent itself. If you are a food lover, you will find various opportunities for food travel in the continent to give your taste buds something to cherish for many days to come. The best cities in North America serve a huge variety of eating experiences from street food to ala carte.

Festivals in North America:

As there is so much to do in North America, you may not focus on the various festivals the different places in the continent host as your priority in making your travel plans. However, if you refer to the North America guide and check for the festivals that are hosted and organized in the continent during your time of stay there, you will be amazed at how easily you can incorporate them in your itinerary.  

Thus, this was some of the essential information about North America that one must know before visiting the place.

Linked below is a comprehensive travel guide to one of the most beautiful and diverse countries in North America – Mexico!


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